How to Find the Theme a WordPress Site Uses?


How to Find the Theme a WordPress Site Uses?

How to Find the Theme a WordPress Site Uses?

Hello, when you enter or come across any WordPress site and you like the theme, if you ask how can I find this theme, the shortest way is to enter any of the sites I will give below and paste the link of the site whose theme you like there.

1 - What WordPress Theme Is That?

What WordPress Theme Is That is a free online tool that lets you easily identify which WordPress theme a site uses (including parent and child themes) and which plugins it uses.

2 - Scanwp

Another free tool that lets you identify WordPress themes, plugins, hosting, and which other sites use the theme.

3 - WPdetector

Another site that does the same thing as the ones above, showing themes, plugins, and hosting server information.

If you don't see any themes or plugins on the sites you searched for, it's not a WordPress site.

Also, you won't be able to see all the plugins on the sites you searched for.

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